Sìì! Le ordinanze comunali stanno finalmente tornando ad Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti
Immagine: Nintendo

Nintendo shared a huge amount of news about Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti during its special presentation for the game this week, and while there’s so much exciting content to look forwardone feature in the next free (e finale) aggiornare that we’re really looking forward to the return of is ordinances.

Nel caso ve lo siete perso, “Island Ordinancesin New Horizons will act just like ordinances did in New Leaf sul 3DS – allowing you to play how you want to playbene, Considerando le ambientazioni e le storie. If you’re the type of person who only has time to play in the eveningyou can set up a rule to make your island more active around these hours. If you’re more of an early bird, you can do the same. Want fewer weeds and more success when it comes to growing certain plants? No problem, enact the ‘Beautiful Islandordinance.

Se hai aspettato una copia fisica di, ‘Bell Boom’ is also included. It’s believed to be the same as theWealthy Townoption in Animal Crossing: Nuovi orizzonti. Thanks in advance, Isabelle! Speaking of Isabelleshe’s the character you’ll have to go to enact all of these ordinances in New Horizons or turn things back to their regular old ways.

Are you excited about this handy quality-of-life feature finally making a return in New Horizons Version 2.0 on November 5th? Which one will you be making use of on your own island? Lascia un commento in basso.