Pokémon Center lance d'adorables peluches soda des démarreurs originaux

Pokémon Soda Plush 1
Image: La Compagnie Pokémon

The Pokémon Company International has announced that its line of soda pop plushies, once exclusive to Japan, are now launching in the West for the first time.

Designed via a collaboration with Japanese illustrator and graphic designer F*Kaori, the first three plushies are based on the original starter Pokémon: Redémarrage de Kanto, Nous étions assis et écoutons la vidéo tout en tapant ceci et nous ne pouvons pas dire que cela nous aide à nous détendre, et Carapuce. Available to order now for 16,99 £ / $19.99 Film à toute allure, each plush measues in at just over 6 inches in height (bien, about 5.5 inches for Bulbasaur).

The official announcement for the range has also clarified that more variants will be on the way in the future, so hopefully the likes of Mew, Togepi, and Eevee will make their way to Western shores soon.

Entreprise polonaise, Cindy Ruppenthal, senior director of Pokémon Center and e-commerce at The Pokémon Company, mentionné:

“There is significant interest from Pokémon fans for unique, collectible merchandise originating in Japan, and the Pokémon Soda Pop Plush line is one of those special collections which resonates with fans around the world. Pokémon Center is the perfect place to make this cute, popular collection available for the first time outside of Japan as we continue to deliver on our mission to make it the premier destination for premium Pokémon merchandise.”

So let’s check out the range itself, hm?

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on any new additions to the range as these get announced in the future.

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Bulbasaur Pokémon Soda Pop Plush -5 ½ In.
Charmander Pokémon Soda Pop Plush - 6 En.
Squirtle Pokémon Soda Pop Plush - 6 En.

What are your thoughts on the soda plush range from the Pokémon Centre? Will you be grabbing any of them? Faites-le nous savoir avec un commentaire à l'endroit habituel.