Edge of Tomorrow could be the first great videogame movie

Leben. Die. Neu laden.

You don’t come here to read movie reviews, so I’ll try to keep this brief: Tom Cruise vehicle Edge of Tomorrow is the first film I’ve watched that seems to comprehend more than the surface of videogames, that slips a daring finger into the guts of what makes the younger artform captivating. This is impressive, given that Edge of Tomorrow doesn’t have anything directly to do with videogames. It’s based on the barmily titled novel All You Need Is Kill by Japanese author Hiroshi Sakurazaka, and is the tale of how Cruise’s greasy pseudo-military PR guru Major William Cage ends up on the frontline in a war with lurid, polymorphous alien invaders, all of whom resemble what happens when you sneeze while drinking a Slush Puppy.

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