Metal Gear Solid V Q&A with Hideo Kojima

“Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes” will launch in Spring 2014 as a prologue to the events leading into “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” and both are coming to Xbox One. Check out the Xbox Wire exclusive interview below with Hideo Kojima, legendary creator of the “Metal Gear Solid” franchise and Director of Kojima Productions, about these two amazing new games.

In addition, be sure to check out an Xbox-exclusive trailer for “Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes” that features the bonus character, the cyborg ninja Raiden, as he takes down enemy bioroid ‘Snatchers’!

What are you most excited about for developing on new generation hardware?


I’m most looking forward to the “pseudo-cloud” era that the next generation of hardware will bring. It’s still one step away from the “true” cloud revolution, but it will allow players to interact with their games, and each other in new and exciting ways using multiple devices such as tablets and smart devices. Social experiences and player interaction are what will drive the next wave of games.


How will a new generation of hardware impact the future of the “Metal Gear” franchise?


Technology is at a crossroads, facilitating evolution perpendicular to the path we’ve taken thus far. It’s not just about the next level of gaming hardware anymore, it’s about how that hardware will allow games to interact with multiple devices and SNS platforms. Technology is fanning out in a horizontal direction as opposed to the vertical evolution of the past.


What are some of the reasons for developing “Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes” with new game design such as Open World elements?

[Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes] を、オープンワールドのタイトルとして開発されている理由をお聞かせください。

From now on, an increasing number of players will be actively communicating with each other through the medium of games. The best way to engage and motivate these players, and nurture the resulting sense of competition among them is to give them the freedom of interaction that open world elements provide.


What are some of the new experiences that fans can look forward to with an open-world “Metal Gear Solid?”

オープンワールドのMetal Gear Solidで楽しめる新しい体験に関して、ファンの皆さんに特に期待していてほしいことを教えてください。

First of all, to avoid confusion, I would like to clarify that my vision for “MGSV” does differ a bit from what most people may assume when they think of the current “Open-World” genre. A more accurate way to describe it would be a “stealth simulator” in an open world environment. The open world elements exist to remove the rails from the stealth experience, allowing players to freely plan their own routes and experiment with their own unique infiltration strategies. However, at its heart, the gameplay is all about stealth and we don’t intend to shift the focus away from that.


What are you most excited about with the addition of Kiefer Sutherland to the “Metal Gear” franchise?

キーファー・サザーランド氏がMetal Gearフランチャイズに参加されるということについて、ご自身が最も楽しみにしていること/興奮していること、を教えてください

It’s no longer just about the words that a character speaks, it’s about the depth of their facial performance and the expressive tone of their voice. As technology evolves, it’s vital that …read more

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