Fortnite – Season 8 – Reboot Van – Reboot Card – how?

Feeling the pressure from Apex Legends popularity, Fortnite has added features found in that game. First they added the ability to ping items which I think has been a great addition to the game, and now they added a Revive feature. When a player gets eliminated a reboot card appears in the spot they died, that reboot card is active for 90 seconds after which it disappears, so someone from your team/squad needs to get it. There is no limit as to how long you can hold the card, of course your teammate won’t agree with that.

Once you have the card you have to search for a reboot van which are located around the map and after a quick button press your teammate will come back to life, interestingly they will have 100 health and 100 wood, but they will have lost all their weapons and loot, but you will have a grey pistol and 36 light ammo, which is better than some buildings I have walked into recently.

On a side note the reboot van has a cool down period, so if you see a RED van, look on the top for what looks like a battery symbol, that shows you how close to being recharged the van is. The cool down period is 2 minutes, so you may have to visit another one if you get there right after another player.

We also made a Reboot Van Location Map which you can find below… Since Phones and other devices have smaller screens simply click on the map to be able to open it and zoom in and get a closer look!

Thanks for the Revive/Reboot Smokey!