Ethics? What we need is a little more empathy in the wake of #Gamergate

People are being hounded out of work. Time for some perspective.

I’ve watched this whole GamerGate fiasco shudder along for the last couple of weeks and, to tell you the truth, it’s really gotten me down. I’ve watched some of the best and brightest people I know get caught up in no-win situations and I’ve seen utterly cruel things written by real, live human beings designed to hurt and harm others in the name of a medium and a livelihood that I love. I haven’t said anything about it though, until now. But as Anita Sarkeesian herself tweeted this week: “Some advice for the gaming industry right now: in the words of the late, great Howard Zinn, ‘You can’t be neutral on a moving train.'” So this is me, breaking out of neutral.

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