Announcing the official Capcom Discord Server!

Paging all Capcom fa– hang on… “paging” sounds a bit old-school… let’s try this again:

@everyone Exciting news! The official Capcom server on Discord is now open!

Keep reading for more details and an invite link.

Starting today, we’re taking yet another step to make it easier for you to get Capcom news, updates, activities, and more delivered to a place a lot of you already spend a great deal of time on a daily basis: Discord.

This official server is just the start—we’ll be fine-tuning and expanding our Discord presence as we go along—but I wanted to give you two quick notes on how it’s set up for now:

First, the server is comprised of mostly read-only channels; to start, the primary focus is to share news and updates with you. Some of the channels have been set up so you can hit the “Follow” button and get the news delivered right to your own server. Neat!

Second, we’re also working closely with Discord and existing community servers on Discord to help you find like-minded Capcom fans to chat and play games with. Stay tuned for updates on this under the #capcom-community-servers channel.

In the meantime, please take a look and join our server, then keep an eye on the #server-updates and #capcom-news channels for the latest happenings!

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